Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Art of Feng Shui

"Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is an ancient Chinese art whose name translates from the Chinese as “wind and water”. Feng Shui is a lyrical phrase that poetically evokes the heart of this ancient practice." -Spiritual Feng Shui

The ancient art and science of Feng Shui was developed over 3,000 years ago in China ("What is Feng Shui?").  It is believed that practicing this ancient art will promote a great balance of energy and assure good health. Wind and water (two of nature's elements) are the driving forces of Feng Shui practices and techniques, filling ones' space with positive energy ("What is Feng Shui?"). In Chinese culture, wind and water are associated with good health (good Feng Shui brings good fortune). If one doesn't practice good Feng Shui however, it is considered to be bad luck ("What is Feng Shui?").

 "Feng shui is based on the Taoist vision and understanding of nature, particularly on the idea that the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy." -About.com
Feng Shui was born out of thereligion and "philosophical system" of Taoism. Established in China, thisreligion/philosophy revolved around the worship of nature ("Tao and Chi"). Whenever the followers of Taoism would get stressed out from life,they would retreat back to nature, giving them time to rest and heal ("Taoand Chi"). During this time, they would consume themselves with theirhobbies in efforts to lift their spirits and relieve their stress. "Thispractice also instilled in the Chinese a very positive approach to life itself,for their health, well-being and vitality" ("Tao and Chi").

Chi (or Ch'i) is the most important component in Feng Shui, Chi encompasses everything and holds together all the different aspects and factors involved in Feng Shui. Chi cannot be seen, heard or felt, it does not register upon any of our senses. It's the virtual energy and force that flows all around. A house situated on a particular site with healthy environment will be subject to highly positive and beneficial Chi, it will help to produce a prosperous life or business environment. Feng Shui is basically the arrangement of environment to enable us to benefit from the good effects of Chi. There are three main conditions of Chi:
  • Sheng (beneficial) Chi: links to a good Feng Shui
  • Si (unhealthy) Chi: links to a bad Feng Shui
  • Sha (harmful) Chi: links to a killing Feng Shui  
Below is a short video I found demonstrating how to practice good Feng Shui. With three different enrtyways, Feng Shui expert, Laura Morris, shows how to create a balance of energy and harmony that will bring peace, prosperity, and good health.


  1. I often find references to Feng Shui when I catch myself watching House Hunters. Individuals who have an interest in Eastern/Chinese arts often mention the placement of stairs near front doors and other elements as part of Feng Shui, and then I end up comparing my home with the ones they want. My home is certainly not living up to the principles of Feng Shui!

    This is a good post. My main suggestion would be that if you're using one source throughout a paragraph, you don't need to keep repeating it in parentheses. What you can do instead for flow purposes is introduce it early on with "According to..." or "Based on the studies by..." or something similar. Then you've addressed the source right in the text, and readers won't get distracted into looking at too many parenthetical citations.

    What do you think?

    1. I agree, but I found two different articles from two different sites that had the same title and I didn't know how to differentiate the citations. One of the articles is from "Spiritual Feng Shui" and the other is from "About.com". With both sites giving their articles the same titles, how do I show my audience that I'm not repeating the citations, just showing them what sources I used??

  2. If one doesn't practice good Feng Shui however, it is considered to be bad luck ("What is Feng Shui?"). feng shui singapore
